Our Programs

The Supportive Housing Community Land Alliance (SHCLA) is a groundbreaking nonprofit housing organization working to address the housing crisis for people with serious mental health challenges in Alameda County. Our service partners use recovery and wellness-focused and outcomes-based evidence-based practices. SHCLA invites tenants to participate in the direction of their property and the organization.

illustration of hands below colorful leaves in the shape of a heart

Property Management

We hire property management teams to align with supportive services staff to ensure residents remain stably housing.

Property Maintenance

Because SHCLA retains ownership of the land, it maintains an interest in maintenance of the structures and property.

Homeowner Stewardship

SHCLA provides education and support to homeowners so they can responsibly manage and improve their homes.

Resident Support

SHCLA develops partnerships with local supportive service providers to ensure housing stability for individuals with multiple, chronic, complex needs.

Community Relations

SHCLA builds relationships with neighbors, to collaborate and partner with neighborhood communities.

Resident Organizing

Residents are encouraged to participate in governance of their property, as well as provide feedback and guidance to the organization.

illustration of an African American man

"I would like to see support services where people can feel comfortable advocating for themselves."

- Oakland Peer Resident